
Top 28 Websites to Get Paid to Writer as a freelancer

Today we're going into 28 more websites that you can write for and get paid to write as a writer.

Just a disclaimer I am NOT a freelance writer so I have not written for any of these websites but I have done extensive research and they're all legitimate any kind of updates that like you message these people and there's too many people writing for them. Please check official website to participate.

1. Gamunation

Gamunation is a website that focuses on solutions for pcs and counsel game errors bugs crashes and other issues that going along with games and computers things like that and also covers game-related news and lists so the requirements for writing for gamunation is just that they're looking for writers to create content for their game blog especially blogs that are about latest game reviews and latest game news gameplay guides gaming tutorial guides game-related top ten lists things like this are things that they're looking for so if you're into gaming and things like that this could be a great website for you so gimme nation is one of the few gaming websites that pay writers if you contribute to the site then you get 70% of the revenue that is generated from the article once you meet the $10 threshold you'll get paid via PayPal

So if you don't already have an account with PayPal you really do need to set that up according to Jimmy o nation they say that they do attract over a half a million views a month from their articles so ideally you won't be making like pretty good money they do claim that they are one of the top 100,000 websites in the world so if you do get published by them you will be getting shown in front of a very large audience.

To contribute to Gamunation, send your details to

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2. What culture 

what culture is a popular blog that covers movies music TV comics gaming and gaming so also the gaming thing if you like that it's a very trustworthy and reputable website so you don't have to worry about anything going on there some requirements to contribute to what culture is obviously you need to produce a high-quality article that is is at least 1000 words anyone can contribute to what culture you don't need to have any experience or anything like that you just have to produce a high-quality article so this website is super beginner-friendly so you'll earn 50 cents per 1000 views with what culture if you contribute with what culture they pay you by PayPal by the 7th of the month.

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3. Poetry foundation

So if you have some poetry laying around they will pay you 150 dollars for published poetry.

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4. Ploughshares 

They pay between 25 to 250 dollars for poetry that's published on their website.

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5. Boulevard magazine 

Boulevard magazine also will pay you 25 to $250 per poetry that's published on their website

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6. VQR Online

VQR Online will pay you $200 for every published poetry on their website.

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Kids/Teens Websites

7. Cicada Magazine 

Don't know that's how you pronounce it but they pay up to $2,200 per article so so their target audience is mostly teenagers and young adults they pay 25 cents per word up to nine thousand words so you can make up to two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per article.

Update:  This is closed now.

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 8. Cricket Magazine 

Cricket magazine is a sports magazine for young readers they pay twenty-five cents per word for an article that's less than two thousand words.

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9. Italian America 

Italian America is looking for people that know topics about Italy in America and different types of news of Italy in America and things going on this Italian American thing like that they pay $350 per article.

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10. Boulevard 

Don't get it confused with Boulevard magazine they pay up to two hundred and twenty-five dollars per post and this is a Canadian based magazine they focus on trends of the art scene in Vancouver and their rate is about 25 to 30 cents per word.

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11. Big Grey Horse

Big Grey Horse the lifestyle magazine in Texas pay 125 to 200 dollars per article they like blogs written in first person ranging from 600 to a thousand words.

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12. Vermont life 

Tt's all about things about Vermont and they pay 600 800 dollars per post so if you live in Vermont you're from Vermont been to Vermont great.

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13. 1859 Oregon’s Magazine

So this magazine is looking for things that are the history of the region of Oregon things about Oregon news-history Oregon okay they pay 150 to 250 dollars per article.

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14.Colorado Life Magazine 

So this is all dedicated to the state of Colorado and they pay between seventy-five dollars to nine hundred and seventy-five dollars per article.

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15. Alaska Magazine 

I talked about this in my other article about other websites to write for so go check out that many of haven't seen that but they pay $1500 per post oh my god so for them it's all about like in Alaska any type of news or information about Alaska that's the kind of things that you're gonna see on Alaska magazine.

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16. South Carolina Living 

This is a lifestyle magazine published four member-owners of South Carolina's nonprofit electric cooperatives they pay between two hundred and four hundred fifty dollars per post.

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17.New Mexico magazine 

They paid $250 per magazine the same thing New Mexico information this article.

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Artisan Websites

18. Beat&Button

Beads and button is an on-line application that looks for articles about creating jewelry making jewelry by hand handmade jewelry and they do different things of how-to guides inspirational content and tips and tricks and different kinds of interviews about designers in designing and making different kinds of jewelry and things.

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19. Howlround 

Howlround is a website that is for theater lovers so if you love theater and you can write about different theaters that you see this is perfect for you they pay $150 per post.

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20. How 

How is how. how is a graphic design website and they pay 250 to $800 per post.

Update: No Longer Available.

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21. The Artist’s Magazine 

The Artist’s Magazine is the biggest publication that is focused on art exclusively so they pay between 400 and 600 dollars per post.

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EROTIC/ Romance Websites

22.East of the Web

East of the web is my first web site in the section. east of the web publishes a huge array of short stories across all different genres including romance crime sci-fi fantasy children's stories are also welcome it has an open submission period for most genres and they pay five cents per word so this could be something for you if you want to get into the erotic writing they don't mind if you submit that.

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23. Heroes & Heartbreakers

Heros and Heartbreakers is actually an imprint of publishing of giant Macmillan however it specializes in short stories and novellas and the romance genre making it a great place to get paid to start your romance writing career and they pay $1,000 in advance than 25% royalties after that.

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24. Shades of Romance

Shades of Romance is a digital magazine that emphasizes diversity including stories by and about motivational and inspirational nonfiction so this one you can't submit romance articles but erotica is not allowed so light stuff is okay but not like full-on okay and they pay $20 fee for that 20 or $25.

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25. Vibrant Life

Vibrant life pays 100 to $300 per article vibrant life is looking for articles all about physical health mental health and emotional health and that is in the perspective of a Christian so religious-based it's like spiritual and the articles can be around 400 to 650 words but just no more than a thousand words particle.

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26. Wellbeing Magazine

They pay up to five hundred dollars per article this is a natural health magazine so anything that's going to articles that are into improving your life and also improving the health of the planet it's kind of article they're looking for.

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27. Psychology for Living

They pay seven seventy-five to two hundred dollars per article psychology for living is a Christian psychology magazine looking for articles that apply sound something like biblical psychology principles to everyday life issues so articles can address different psychological issues emotional problems or communication issues within the family in your relationship.

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28. Eating Well

Eating Well pays up to $1.00 per word eating well is a national food magazine with a focus of eating healthfully they are looking for articles of the latest trends of food and health and diet and lifestyle trends green eating health studies keto vegan things like that any type of research or studies about health or kind of article they're looking for.

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